Name That Taste!

Tao selects some kippers, wisely reaching over the headcheese.

Maya loves the smoked oysters!

Nola considers hazelnuts.

Tao swallowing some umbles.  Quick, drink that cider!

Aspic with Squirrels' Unmentionables

The kids said it tasted just like jello and grapes!

Meat Pies for the Feast

Holden and Tao make some tasty meat pies for the feast.

Alchemists Make a Telescope

The young alchemists followed Gallileo's lead and made telescopes on their own.

Directions can be found here.

Alchemy Is Fun

Master Woody examines a glass of chemicals he is had hoped to make come alive.

Unfortunately he forgot to feed them, and they never materialized!

Shakespeare-Gallileo Smash up Begins!

1564 was a rocking year for humans, producing two of the most cool guys to have ever lived!

Have thou a wicked time!

New LKI Agents Sworn In

The five new recruits successfully completed their training.

[picture redacted]
Agent 117

[picture redacted]

[picture redacted]

[picture redacted]

[picture redacted]


Dash to Catch David before He Leaves the Country

With Joyce's tip off to DaVid, the LKI agents had to make a run to their cars and hurry back to home base to identify DaVid's alias and catch him at the airport.  Given a partial fingerprint and voiceprint, the LKI agents had to search the Interpol data base to confirm DaVid's fake identity so that Agent Mountain could warn her fellow agents at the local airports.

Friday Meeting a Success

LKI and FBI agents descended on Joyce and made the arrest.

Here Mel first meets Joyce at the Dog Park.

LKI Agent in training "Ed" and "117" get close to the action.

Mel confronts Joyce about the code on the picture.

Agent Mountain and LKI team move in.

Joyce calls DeVid on the burner phone we found, and then is led away under arrest.

The Dogs watched it all.

Coordinates Reveal Danger

LKI agents deciphered the secret code on the painting:

[picture redacted]

and went to [place redacted] to discover what Joyce was supposed to pick up for DaVid.

The [items redacted] were definitely terrorist in nature.

Agent Mountain of the FBI met us at the [place redacted] and took the items for analysis.

[transcript redacted]

What had been a case of art forgery had turned into a terrorist plot!

Wednesday Exchange

LKI set up an exchange with Joyce in downtown Maplewood.

 Mel meets with Joyce and exchanges shopping bags.

Photos excellently taken by trainie "Rebecca"
Agent 117 and Dandelion provided cover.

Pick Up at E

LKI agents made a successful pick up at drop E and discovered a painting!

[picture redacted]

Due to a few minor oddities, such as the wrong date on a date cipher shift, and the observing of two packages at the pick up, and the fact that "Joyce," Mel's handler, wanted the package we picked up deliverd on Wednesday, not at the usual Friday meeting, we suspected something was wrong.

At the pool LKI agents were again surprised with a secretly dropped off message, this one in a code that warned the agents to keep the painting, though they were in danger.

We decided to forge the painting, which we needed to do in order to pass off a fake painting to Joyce and buy time.  It is sad to consider that Joyce had been turned.

[picture redacted]

Threat at Pool

LKI training staff were threatened by three jigsaw puzzles that had been snuck into Gary's towel at the pool.

[picture redacted]

[picture redacted]

[picture redacted]

The threat did not dissuade our intrepid recruits.

Art Forgery Suspected

DaVid, a notorious art forger, was our assignment.  Apparently he had escaped from prison in Europe and was now in the US.

[Picture redacted]

We had to learn about detecting art forgery.

The Home Base and Drop C and Drop E

As the Home Base has been relocated and outfitted with entirely new staff, LKI has been able to declassify the files on DaVid.

LKI (Little Kids Interpol) was working with five new recruits.  "Mel," the boss of home base, and "Gary," the operations guy, and "M," the code master and watchful eye, needed to find replacements.  

Below is the exterior of the home base, a typical house occupied by a mom (Mel), a dad (Gary), a grandma (M), and a teenage daughter ("Olivia") and another oft absent daughter "Maggie."

Drop C, where LKI often received their instructions in a coded message inside an "everything bagel, toasted, with cream cheese, and a coffee with cream,"  (Whatever you do, don't ask for two sugars.)

Ro's Cleaners, an apparently enemy outfit, who kept constant surveillance on our activities, and Elmwood Sweet Shop, drop E.

Spy Kids Week

As the files on the recent capturing of DaVid become declassified, we will update this site.

RB Is Discovered and Arrested!

Recruits solved the mystery of who RB was, or are, and also discovered evidence to lock them away for years.

Tao's quick mind recalled a name and Hannah and JW were able to locate where the name came from.  Next we interviewed the suspect, and an arrest was made!

Kevin Gilmore and his parents can now rest in peace with his murder solved!

It all turned on a boat receipt!

This witnesses testimony lead to the fingerprints that put the guilty party at the scene of the crime!

Recruits Learn from the Best: Sherlock in the 21st Century

Our recruits got to see the maser in action when we watched the BBC show Sherlock.

Later we learned how to get around London by playing Scotland Yard.  Tao was our first Mr. X we had to find.

Our recruits were so good, the caught her in 6 moves!

Trainees Solve First Mystery: Who Stole the Linen Shirt?

CSI recruits did excellent work in discovering the criminal (John) behind the linen shirt stolen from the smashed display case at the mall.

After testing fibers, hairs, and fingerprints, 2 of the 3 teams correctly identified John as the guilty agent.

Interestingly enough, CSI School Professor Woody's team failed to find the guilty party!

Learn more here!

JW gets ready for an experiment.

Hannah looks at some hair under the microscope.

In this series we see Gus burning some fibers to see if they were natural or not.  Manmade fiber don't burn as much as they melt and bead up.

Busy Training Day: sketching, drawing, and fingerprinting!

JW considers a scene of a crime.

 Ruby takes some fingerprints.

 Gus notes the location of a vial of white powder.

 Tao indicates exactly where a penknife was found.

An artist's sketch.


 More, well executed prints.

 Nola's picture of a wanted person!

We are looking for this person who will be picking up a child from camp.