
As part of their training to be like Sherlock Holmes, the Little Sherlockians had to prepare a disguise that changed their clothes, hair, face, speech, body, character, and intellect, and to use a prop.

What appears to be a top, French chef by the name of Amie, is actually Hannah!  As with each of the Little Sherlockians, they chose to cover their eyes to make themselves less recognizable.  I had no idea it wasn't a French lady talking to me during the interview with the chef!

You may think you are on the Jersey Shore dealing with a bored and mean lifeguard, but you are really looking at Maya!  The attitude in her pose totally threw me off, as well as the valley speak and the mean dark glasses.

I was reaching into my pocket to give this poor Mexican boy some change when Gus let out a laugh.  As soon as I heard his laugh I saw again a poor boy with his hand out and saying in a very broken and shy voice, "Ola."  Where had Gus gone?  I felt bad for the bum leg, but then the kid did a dance and I knew it was Gus!

 I was rushing into the dining room to set out some extra chairs, especially for this very grumbly old man, when I heard a voice I could have sworn was Holden.  I looked closely at the  old man, and he grumbled some more and shook his fists at me.  Then off comes his hat and hair and there's Holden.  Wow!

I think our Sherlockians will do well as Consulting Detectives!

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