Thoreauvians Visit South Mountain Reservation

After some discussion about journaling and writing and drawing, the yound Transcendentalist headed up the mountain to the reservation.

On our way to the Hemlock Grove we came across a large teepee made of windfall branches.  We had fun exploring the interior and thinking, as JW does here, about the meaning of nature-art in our lives.

Hannah was so raptly devoted to drawing her scene that the shadows moved beneath her feet.

Holden and JW sketch what they view of the woods about them.  

Isaiah also spent long focused time documenting the ground at his feet.  It was a good exercise in looking and becoming aware of where we are.

One of the goals of the week is to be able to draw what is taken for granted and rarely seen by learning how to see it.  We are also working on how to describe what we see.  Each camper came up with a simile for the triple tree that grows near the parking lot off South Orange Avenue at the trail head to the Hemlock Falls.  We will also be trying to produce original art like Andy Goldsworthy.  Good luck Thoreauvians!

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