(Lying) and Yet Another Cipher!

While researching how to tell if someone is lying (link here and here),  the printer printed this photo of Olivia.  Again, the wireless printer was hacked and we had a clue on our hands.  Now we have realized that there are two kinds of clues we have been dealing with: clues about Olivia being missing, and clues deliberately sent or mistakenly left for us about the people involved in the case.  It is getting hard to figure out what is what.

In this picture, a non-chalant, even bored, Olivia is seen safe and soun--and apparently not underguard--on a train.  Who sent it and why?  When was the photo taken?

Later in the day Holden found on the floor by the side door the following cipher:

103-6-1-2  120-4-9-6

What could that mean?  We looked at what Lisa had taught us, and all those codes involved numbers and letters.  So we asked ourselves where do we find numbers and letters: the phone didn't work out.  A typewriter didn't help.  Finally Holden suggested a book.  We looked in the two-volume Sherlock Holmes book, using the 3-digit number for a page, the second for a paragraph, the third for a line, and the last for the word in the line.  It didn't work for the Holmes books, but it did work for "The Annals of London" book.  But the code read

Last Tuesday

We couldn't figure out what it meant, until Lisa returned from being out and thought the code and picture were related.  It made great sense: the picture was taken last Tuesday, the day after she went missing.  Clearly Olivia must be involved in the kidnapping in some way!

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