
We learned about how ancient civilizations moved water, and then tried it ourselves!

Each of the four teams were evaluated on the amount of water moved, the cost of moving that water, and the number and cost of overruns (need for more materials).  

We set the base amount of water moved at 1/8 cup.  Accordingly, Edie, Eden and Nola moved the most water, but were the most expensive and had the most cost overruns, resulting in a ration of 8:1.  Holden and Finn moved the second largest amount of water, and had the cheapest cost, thus resulting in a 1:1 ratio.  Rowen and Olivia didn't move any water, though they cost less than half of what Edie, Eden and Nola cost, thus would be able to start their entire project over if there had been time.  And June, Ruby, and Hannah ended up with a 6:1 ratio, so although they moved the least amount of water, they were more cost effective than Edie, Eden and Nola.

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