Storm Water Management

We looked at the East and West Branches of the Rahway river to see the changes in managing waterways over the years.  In Maplewood the Rahway is set in a stone and mortar channel, in South Orange both a concrete channel, an the current method, a grassy bank with large boulders set along the bank.

We then went to the South Mountain Reservoir and took a sample of water.  Later, when we tested it, it was no different than our tap water!

We ended the morning by talking to Mr. Wilkinson, the Millburn Civil Engineer, who talked to us about the different kinds of dams there are and why there was a proposal to build a dam in the reservation, which will not be the case.  It turns out that downstream communities have foolishly built in flood planes, and now they want to try to keep the water away.  Good luck!

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